Amazon #1 bestseller, Women’s Conference, and Bible Study GRACE & GUTS

The topics of “Grace and Guts” were chosen after Shannon asked thousands of women to list the areas of life in which they struggle the most.  As a Bible teacher and trained counselor, Shannon includes scripture and practical solutions to help women throw the “knock-out punch” to 12 of the toughest areas.

Topics Include:

  • Conquering Exhaustion: How to Care for You As You Care For Others
  • Betrayal: Staying Off the Ropes When You’re Hit with a Sucker Punch
  • Crushing Insecurity: Championing self-esteem, self-worth and confidence
  • Overcoming Faithlessness and Fear: Clinching Victory in the Toughest Round
  • People-Pleasing: Throwing Insignificance and Shame a Knock-Out Punch
  • Demolishing Addiction: Defeating a Deadly Competitor
  • Overpowering Loneliness: Going the Distance to Find Your Crowd
  • Mastering Anger: Maintaining Control of Your Fight
  • Managing Difficult People: Winning at Home and in the Workplace
  • Depression: Throwing Your Best Hit When You Feel Like Throwing In the Towel
  • Beating Uncertainty: Winning over Worry in Every Stage of Life
  • Championing Our Purpose: Becoming A Heavyweight Champion with God

Each topic is one hour long and includes music from Shannon written especially for the conference, ready-made promotional materials and break-out session questions upon request. We encourage you and your team to choose the topics most beneficial for your group based on the time frame of your event.

'Grace and Guts' book by Shannon Perry


“For every woman who has experienced betrayal, loneliness, uncertainty, anger or Satan’s defeat and desires a better way, this book is for you! With a heart of joy and a love for God’s Word, Shannon courageously confronts tough topics.”

Cheryl Roland

Women's Director, NE Indiana District Church of the Nazarene

“Shannon Perry’s insight into the needs of women is a remarkable testament to how much we all struggle with the very same things. From loneliness to the temptation to people-please, Shannon helps us see that in the end, God has answers for all of our difficulties.”
Rene Gutteridge

Best-selling author of 24 multi-genre novels, one of which became a popular Hallmark movie

“Grace and Guts helps us find the grace we need to deal with difficult and painful situations. Shannon offers us a way to see God in the midst of all our circumstances.”
Lynda Zelenka Dierker

Executive Director Cy-Hope

“Grace and Guts is exactly what our hurting world needs right now. Shannon’s insightful study ignites the belief that healing through God’s grace will strengthen me into a warrior of the faith ready to believe, live and share Christ deeper every day.”
Marsha Lambeth

Program Director/Salem Houston Production Director, 100.7 FM, KKHT